Symptoms of the Universe

My Observations:

The complexities of life and death are unnerving and eerie. We live our lives in the means of an advancing world, in which we merely exist. We live to get by and survive, without thinking about the consequences

or meaning of life. Our world, is composed of the "contrary," in which something forms from its opposite. Something big was once small, something slow was once fast, and disorder was once 'ordered.' However, these contraries have limitations, and unfortunately our earthly lives as we know it, is included. 

To me, death is something that brings along both fear and anticipation. Of course we have little information about life after death, so it is only right to be fearful. But because the human body in its entirety; physicality, soul, and spirit, is so intricate and multiplex, I become more infatuated with death. I believe that death is not the end. It may be the end of our earthly lives, but our soul and spirit transfers on. 

It is no surprise that some cultures celebrate death, rather than mourn it. If we take away materialism and the distractions of the world, we will have the opportunity to realize that we are composed of more than we know. Our creativity, intelligence, and wisdom are not symptoms of the advancing world. They are innate, and during the course of a lifetime, we become more in tuned with ourselves. 

Here's how I look at it...

I'm am sure that you can relate to this scenario, or something similar to it. You are put into a new environment; perhaps a new job or school. You are around new people, and you are expected to conduct certain tasks that are new to you. At first, you are in a state of confusion. You do not not know whether to compromise yourself to assimilate, or march to the beat of your own drum. However, throughout a period of time, you begin to figure things out. You find your niche, those who you can relate to, and you start to advance in that environment. You are now comfortable, and you feel as if you have a solid understanding on how to maneuver within this once foreign environment. 

This scenario could be applied to how I believe life works. Earth, is just one stop of our journey. Our souls and spirits travel through an everlasting realm that is unbeknownst to us. We stop at Earth, and our souls and spirits transfer into a fleshy vessel. At first, we lack knowledge of this new world and environment, so we are in a state of infancy. Over time, our knowledge of our world increases. We begin to walk, communicate, think and reason. We form an intelligence to the extent that allows us to become creators or destroyers. We form temporarily sustainable lives that we are comfortable with, until our deaths. 

We simply do not know...

Although this is my theory of life and death, we simply do not know. We can only hope. For years upon years, philosophers, scientists, and even the average person have pondered on the subject of death. Yes, it is scary. Yes, it is the unknown. Yes, it is inevitable. No matter the ways we try to escape death, it is our shadow. It is stuck with us from the day we are conceived to the moment we take our last breathe. The only thing we can do, is just imagine. 


What view does Socrates have about the relationship between philosophy and death? Do you agree? Explain.

Socrates was a philosopher that did not have a structural or functional way of thinking. Instead, he would ask questions about the world around him. He inspired those such as Plato and Aristotle, to think in ways beyond feasible comprehension. In Phaedo, within the last hours before his death, Socrates explains a number of concepts; The best type of life to live, what happens after death, and the Earth and its origins. Socrates viewed the relationship between philosophy and death as something that should be welcomed. In fact, he did not fear death. Instead, he believed that if everything comes into existence from its opposite including the living, sparking proof that the soul exists. The dead comes from the living, and the living comes from the dead. He believed that if this process occurs in a single direction (the dead only comes from the living), then overtime everything will have sameness in character. Meaning that if this process was one directional, then there would be nothing alive. I believe this concept because our existence is not limited to Earth. I believe that we are more than what we can see. It is not ironic that we have dreams about certain events or the feeling of deja vĂș. Our existence expands beyond our comprehension. Our lives are cyclical, yet our individual experiences are unique. 

