Smarty Pants

 My Observation + Prompt:

Imagine being in Ancient Greece, where the purpose of education was to produce 'good citizens.' Education would have had a major part of our everyday lives. Especially because during this time, the uprising of physics became the talk of town. When we think of the origins of physics, we can easily trace it back to earlier philosophers. Philosophers such as Aristotle introduced the idea that physics is heavily dependent on philosophy. Without the initial thoughts of how the universe and world works around us, physics perhaps would not be as advanced as we perceive it today. 

This trend between philosophy and physics has transcended through history. One person in particular is Einstein. Born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein became a renowned theoretical physicist. His work is known for having a heavy influence on the philosophy of science. 

Einstein formulated the special theory of relativity. This scientific theory describes the relationship between space and time. This theory was based on two postulates:

1) The idea that the law of physics are invariant, and can be explained in its simplest form
2) "The speed of light is a constant (c), and is independent on the relative motion of the source."

The relativity of simultaneity refers to this theory by referring to the concept of distant simultaneity. Meaning that the occurrence of two events that spatially differ from each other, is not absolute. However it depends on the observer's position or "reference frame." There is no right or wrong when it comes down to this theory because it is not absolute. Meaning that there is no right or wrong between the perception of two individuals (a person on earth vs. a person on the moon) gazing upon on a certain event. 

So, is time real?

Well...according to special relativity, time is essentially an illusion. It does not exist. Time is a function of relativity only, and it refers to a point of reference. So to Einstein, we live in a world in which time is not real. It depends on the position in which we are placed, that determines how we perceive this unknown phenomena of "time."

