Each Day. Each Hour. Each Minute. Each Second.

 My Observations + Prompt

Remember the song "Feeling Myself" by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé? And in the song Beyoncé sung the words, "I'll stop the world, world stop...carry on." Don't you wish that it was possible to stop time just for while? Especially when you have an assignment due at 6:59pm, and you are just starting it two hours before it's due. Well, we all can't be Beyoncé, so we are forced to deal with the realities of time. 

Time can be our greatest ally or our archenemy. But how can something so inanimate and nonpalpable have the ability to make or break us. 

What is Time?

Depending on who you ask, you may receive different answers and explanations. Many people think of time in terms of science and motion, but to me time is just simply change. However, in McTaggart's "Unreality of Time," he thinks otherwise. He argues that change and time are contradictory. He argues this by identifying three positions: A-series, B-series, and C-series.

A-series refers to events being in the past, the present, or the future. He claims that the A-series is circular because in order to describe the past, present, and the future, we must realize the distinctions and changes within those events. On the other hand, he also identifies the B-series, in which embodies directionality of time. Lastly, the C-series only involves order, in which there is no fluidity in directionality or time. For example, in the alphabet it is M N O P, and is in specific order. It can not be P O N M. 

Before reading "Unreality of Time," I perceive time as solely seconds, hours, days, and years. As a college student, it seems as if time is not on my side. However, if it was not for time, my life would be somewhat like a blur. I know that change has occurred, but there would be no specifications. Although, McTaggart argued that time and change is contradictory, I identified my perspective within the B-series because I believe in directionality. I believe that time progresses into the future, no matter the circumstances. Although, events may seem as if they are retracting, time still moves on. It is something that I constantly remind myself; time does not wait for anyone or anything. 

"Unreality of Time," refers to the fact that our definitions of time is unreal. It is contradictory, or circular. Surprisingly, I was not shocked by McTaggart's arguments because he makes valid points. Perhaps, I did not have a solid definition of what time is before reading the journal article. Whatever it is, time is something that can be argued and never resolved. There are plenty of definitions of what time is, but it will always be an enigma. So, the best way to explore time, is to enjoy it to its fullest. 

